Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Return of The 30 Year-Old Gamer

It's March of 2010 and The 30 Year-old Gamer is living in a one bedroom apartment with his Fiancee, The 30YO Fiancee, in Hoboken New Jersey. We are two months away from from our wedding day and everything is going great. I'm sitting in my "man cave" which can best be described as a "man corner" because our apartment is so small. I'm playing online when a kid sees my gamertag and asks, "Hey 30YoGamer, what are you going to do when you get older? Are you going to change your gamertag or will you always be The30YoGamer?" I thought about it for a second when I replied, "No, I will always be The 30 Year-old Gamer."

It's now December and as I look back at the past ten months a lot of things have changed. For starters, The 30YO Fiancee is now The 30YO Wife. We no longer live in a one bedroom apartment in Hoboken. We bought a townhouse in Morristown New Jersey. My "Man Cave" has been disassembled, but is in the process of being rebuilt bigger and better than ever. My Blog was put on hold, because, well I simply just didn't have any time to get to it. But as I turn toward the New Year and look toward the future, I will get back into my blog and talk more about video games and the things I notice.

Because even though my life has had some major changes this past year, there are some constants that haven't changed. I'm still playing games whenever I can. I still think that video games are for everyone, hardcore and casual gamers alike. And I still believe that I can provide a unique perspective, the thoughts of a 30 Year-old Gamer.

Until next time,

- The 30 Year-old Gamer

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