Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Gamer is Back...sort of

Hello devoted readers (all three of you). The 30 Year-old Gamer is back for a quick stop over into his blog. It's been over two and a half months since I stopped back here and I would like to say that a lot has happend over that time the but the honest truth is it really hasn't. At least nothing has happend in my video game life anyway.

Over the past two months my video game life has consisted of renting games from Gamefly and playing them pretty irregularly. In fact, a few days ago I was able to play for about four hours and it was the most I had played in at least four weeks. So it really hasn't been that I've neglected my blog (although I have), it really has more to do with the fact that I haven't played any real games.

However, there are quite a few topics that are on my mind as of this moment about video games, so I decided to stop back by my blog and jot a few of them down.

Now, I promise you the reader (all 3 of you) that I will stop by here at least once a week for a quick or long note to let you know what's up in the video game world, or at least give you my perspective on it.

So, I apologize for being away, but I'm back...for now anyway.

Until next time,

- The 30 Year-old Gamer

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